Friday, May 09, 2008

"What Is Love", Flash Animation!

Video Clip Details
Clip Title : What Is Love
Date : 2008-05-08
Clipal Score : 75 of 100
Video size : 8.70 (MB)
Description : We've all heard the song. I decided to make a music video out of it! After three painful/agonizing years of work (one year creating it, one year mourning the loss of all my work on it due to a virus, and one year recreating it from scratch), my music video for Valentine's day, 'What is Love?' is finally complete. Although it is a day late for Valentine's Day, hopefully you guys can still enjoy it! Movie length is 4 min and 30 seconds. Countless cans of Mountain Dew and Mexican Fiesta flavored Cheez-Its were consumed during the making of this music video. Along with the hidden items, there are secret buttons throughout the movie. See if you can find them all! I take no credit for this awesome song but all Animation was done by me. This movie got me thinking. What exactly, is love? Enjoy it!

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